Sunday, May 12, 2013


I had a difficult time getting into one and two so I skimmed three then stopped at this one. 
The first two lines promised intrigue... sadly my interest in money,sex and war were quickly dissolved into what seems like a list of excuses to get one's self depressed then commit suicide all of which are self created and self derived.
I think the person being portrayed in this is how the author feels when she wants self loathing.
Premeditated,A sense not totally foreign,Sometimes it returns, all these passages lead me to believe that at times she makes herself depressed to the point where she mentally contemplates suicide by jumping. 
I base this jump theory on the final words "over the tightrope,the toe's balance is    lost    pitched          white line in darkness" .
Don't let things you have no control over get you down,Stay away from depressing thoughts they only get worse and be happy with who you are. This is what I got out of this or at least what i walked away from it saying to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, good. Say more, discuss further, explain and use more examples. 10/20 points
